Friday, May 13, 2011


May 13, 2011

yeah, it's Friday the 13th, so what??....
how can this day be so bad if it's payday??...

that were my thoughts on the start of that day...

after lunch, we leave the office  to go to Malate Manila for a project presentation.
and Clef, our engineer, needed to get a lechon as a gift to the Project Manager of SM Bay Arena.
he decided to have a cash advance from his CC.unluckily, the PIN of his card is saved in his phone and the phone was dead batt!!!...(one down!)
so i let him to lend my one condition, he MUST give it back the next day.;p

with the money, we looked for a lechon store.and, we DIDN'T find one.:( (two down!)
no choice, Clef just tell to Juvy(our worker from plant) to buy 20 pcs of lechon manok and have it delivered to SM Bay Arena project site.

and along the way, he told me to get his laptop and edit the powerpoint presentation he made.
and while i'm on focus on editing the powerpoint, BLAGGGGG!!..
what's that??!!!!

oh men!!!..we got HIT!!!!...(three down!)
we can't really tell what had happened..
(masyadong mabilis ang mga pangyayari)

Clef's car was wrecked!...estimated cost for the damages to be done?..PhP23,200.00

whatta day!!!...

and when we arrived at the office where we should have a presentation,
DARN!!!!... presentation cancelled!!!..(four down!)
what the?????!!!!!...

we got HIT because of that presentation then, it was postponed??.....

that was a FRIDAY THE 13TH..:(

and just to add, its Clef's 25th birthday today, May 14....

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